My Packing Must Haves


OK, so we all know how to pack, right?  I have gotten much better at it over the years and can even pack for a five day trip in one carry on with plenty of clothing options and all the shoes I need!  There are times where I pack my BIG suitcase for trips and I tend to well overpack in those things.

Over the past few years THIS one thing has truly saved my time, money, and sanity!

Let me take you back a few years when I would weigh myself holding my suitcase on a regular scale.  Then, I would set the suitcase down and weigh myself separately, do the math and get the total that was the suitcase's weight only.  That got to be a bit much with my largest suitcase.

Before finding this thing I would all but break my back trying to pick up my suitcase.  Then, there was the one time where the math was WAY off and my suitcase ended up being over weight and I needed to take out two pounds.  Yes, you heard that right.  TWO POUNDS!  The bad thing is that I'd already checked my kids' luggage so I couldn't just shift the weight to their bags.  It was a whole mess. I ended up wearing two hoodies, and shoving some extra things into my personal item.

This has saved me in the luggage check line at the airport.  Lo and behold the handheld luggage scale!  You just wrap that little strap around the handle of your suitcase and pick it up.  This thing is fabulous!

Just trust me on this one.  It is worth the $9 investment especially because the battery life on this thing should be great considering how much time you're going to use it.  Don't worry though... you could be like me and lose it, order another one, and then find your old one.  Welcome to my life!

What is your #1 packing must have??


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