More on Saving with Walmart+ at Disney


Previously we spoke about saving money when visiting Disney World by ordering food through Walmart+ to have groceries delivered.  I even spoke about how I made my order while in the airport once or thrice.

Did you know Walmart+ could make your airport experience so much easier and quicker??

I'm serious!  If you are traveling somewhere for five days or less (and it doesn't require a ball gown and tux), do yourself a favor and pack a carry on or personal item only.  You can skip the line to check your luggage and go straight for security.

Ok, so now you're wondering what in the world Walmart+ has to do with making your travel easier?

Well... when packing to take things on the plane there are limitations on the volume of liquids you can take per the TSA guidelines.  You can take as many liquids, creams, gels, etc. that are individually 3.4 oz or less per container that can fit into a quart size zip bag.

Due to this restriction I will pack my make up, face cream, and things that are small volumes to take with me, but I will order things we will all use like shampoo, conditioner, shave gel, sunscreen, etc. Walmart+ is so helpful!

If your room doesn't have a refrigerator, order a styrofoam cooler and fill it with ice.  All hotels have ice machines!  Looking online now on Walmart, the styrofoam cooler is only $5.84 in Orlando.  Not a bad price to use for a few days to save so much more than that!  The cost is worth it!

What else would you order from Walmart+ that you can't take on a plane or that would make your vacation much easier?


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